
未知题型 Why are the pieces of information provided by the Mall of America referred to as 'fun facts'?A.They are largely imagineD.B.They are surprising figures.C.They give exact descriptions.D.They make people feel uneasy.

问答题 Listen to ten short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear. A、The man always gets poor grades for his term papers. B、The woman should seek help from the writing center. C、The man had his paper rejected for the third time. D、The woman does not really care about her language problems.

单项选择题 代购链就是指代购和转运模式,供应链形态多采用店头扫货,清关多采用个人物品和邮政包裹等阳光清关方式。

判断题 电磁透镜产生的是均匀的磁场。 正确 错误

未知题型 What's the point of mentioning popular stars who had been to the mall?A.To show its power of attraction.B.To show that few rich people like to shop therE.C.To tell the public about a new movie being made about it.D.To tell people that they have chances of meeting famous stars therE.

单项选择题 我国将以新税制取代行邮税:取消100元以下免征政策。

未知题型 According to the text, 'a hoax' (Line 1, ParA.3) is probably ______.A.an experiment for the protection of cropsB.a special way to plant cropsC.an attempt made to fool peopleD.a research on the force of winds

单项选择题 在跨境电商中,客服人员如果能充分发挥主观能动性,也能促进销售,创造巨大业绩。

单项选择题 根据运营模式不同,可分为直购进口模式和保税进口模式。

未知题型 A注册会计师负责对甲公司20×7年度财务报表进行审计。在获取和评价审计证据时,A注册会计师遇到下列事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。在获取的下列审计证据中,可靠性最强的通常是( )。D.甲公司管理层提供的声明书