
未知题型 What's the point of mentioning popular stars who had been to the mall?A.To show its power of attraction.B.To show that few rich people like to shop therE.C.To tell the public about a new movie being made about it.D.To tell people that they have chances of meeting famous stars therE.

单项选择题 我国将以新税制取代行邮税:取消100元以下免征政策。

未知题型 According to the text, 'a hoax' (Line 1, ParA.3) is probably ______.A.an experiment for the protection of cropsB.a special way to plant cropsC.an attempt made to fool peopleD.a research on the force of winds

单项选择题 在跨境电商中,客服人员如果能充分发挥主观能动性,也能促进销售,创造巨大业绩。

单项选择题 根据运营模式不同,可分为直购进口模式和保税进口模式。

未知题型 A注册会计师负责对甲公司20×7年度财务报表进行审计。在获取和评价审计证据时,A注册会计师遇到下列事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。在获取的下列审计证据中,可靠性最强的通常是( )。D.甲公司管理层提供的声明书

单项选择题 下列哪项条件符合一期愈合( ) A. 组织损伤较大 B. 伤口愈合时间短 C. 往往伴有感染 D. 形成的瘢痕较大 E. 创缘不整、哆开、无法整齐对合

单项选择题 客服人员最好24小时在线,随时为客户解答。

单项选择题 客服可以在后台进行修改差评的交易操作。

未知题型 As you know, 'being green' means that you care about the environment (环境) and that you do what you can to help the Earth. Recycling (回收利用) paper and cans, reducing waste, and protecting wildlife are all examples of 'green' activities.This special green issue of National Geographic Kids is devoted to environment. In fact, you're being green simply by reading it. When you're finished, you'll know a lot of things you probably didn't know at all. And you'll be a greener citizen with a strong sense of environmental protection.In this issue(一期杂志) you will discover how you can help the Earth face its five biggest environment problems. Animal behavior. specialist Jane Goodall shares new ideas about how you can help wildlifE.Answer actor Leonarde DiCaprio's call to action to help the environment. Just how green are you? Answer actor questions on Page 10 to find out. You may win a trip to Orlando, FloridA.And there's a special pullout poster to hang on the wall.The writer's main purpose in writing this text is to ______.A.persuade the reader to waste lessB.explain the meaning of the word 'green'C.encourage people to buy this issueD.call on people to protect the environment