
未知题型 一个年轻人寄了许多份简历到一些广告公司应聘,其中有一家公司写了一封信给他:“虽然你自认为文采很好,但从你的来信中,我们发现了许多语法错误,甚至有一些错别字。”这个青年想如果这是真的,我应该感谢他们告诉我,然后改正。于是他给这个公司写了一封感谢信。几天后,他再次收到这家公司的信函,通知他被录用了。 这段文字主要想告诉我们( )。D.良好的文字功底是成功求职的前提

未知题型 数学运算在这部分试题中,每道试题呈现一道算术式或是表述数字关系的一段文字,要求你迅速、准确地计算出答案。计算:的值为( )。A.B.C.D.

单项选择题 尊崇...的原则 (1) 无解析

判断题 4.邀请招标的最大缺点是限制了竞争范围。( )

未知题型 The phrase 'has no truck with'(Line 1, Paragraph 2) most probably means______.A.lacks means of transportation forB.never discriminateC.have no vehicle toD.refuses to consider

未知题型 The word 'cyborg'(Line 1, Paragraph 3) most probably refers to______.A.Aubgrey HerbertB.George Bush seniorC.William of OrangeD.Arnold Schwarzenegger

未知题型 Hwang's team has published some milestone papers in stem cell research.A.YB.NC.NG

未知题型 What is Dr. Martinson's most probable identity according to the passage?A.A well-known professor from the K. C.Innovation University.B.The next president of K. C.Innovation University after the author retires from his position.C.The last president before the author took his current position as the new president.D.The vice-president of the university who is working under the author now.

未知题型 According to the passage, what is 'one of the most exciting times' the author is talking about?A.Advanced equipments have been designed and manufactured by students from this university.B.The faculties from this university designed their own teaching buildings.C.A new university magazine will be publisheD.D.New buildings and facilities will be constructed on campus.

单项选择题 马克思主义在中国的传播是中国人民寻找救国救民的道路、变革旧中国的内在需要。 A、正确 B、错误