
未知题型 有如下程序: #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; class Stack { public: Stack (unsigned n=10):size (n) {rep_=new int [size]; top=0;} Stack (stack&s}: size (s.size) { rep_new int[size]; for (int i=0;i<size;i++ rip_[i]-s.rep_[i]; top=s.top; } ~Stack() {delete[]rep_;} void poush (int a) {rep_[topj=a; top++;} int pep() { --top; return rep_[top];} bool isEmpty() cons5 [return Top ==0;} private: int*rep_; unsigned size, top; }; int main() { Stack s1; for(int i=1;i<5;i++) s1.push(i); Stack s2(s1); for(i=1;i<3;i++} cout<<s2.pop()<<','; s2.push(6); s1.push(7); while(!s2.isEmpty()) cout<<s2.pop()<<','; return 0; } 执行上面程序的输出是A.4,3,2,1,B.4,3,6,7,2,1,C.4,3,6,2,1,D.1,2,3,4,

未知题型 在窗体上添加一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下事件代码: Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim a(10,10) For m=2 To 4 For n=4 TO 5 a(m,n)m*n Next n Next m MsgBox a(2,4)+a(3,5)+a(4,5) End Sub 打开窗体运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果是( )。D.53

单项选择题 铝合金等非铁金属常以析出金属间化合物之方式达成强化。但若析出的处理时间过长, 其硬度反而会逐渐降低,此为何种现象? ( ) A. 固溶处理 B. 过时效 C. 热膨胀 D. 欠时效

未知题型 What is the author's attitude to the topic?D.Sympathetic:

未知题型 What does the word 'felon'(Sentence 4, Paragraph 1) probably mean?D.gourmand

未知题型 Which of the following is the author's suggestion with regard to the salt controversy?A.Americans should learn a lesson form. JapanesE.B.Compare societies that little salt with those use mountains of salt in their daily diets.C.We should eat as little salt as possiblE.D.Do scientific investigation and let people themselves make choices.

未知题型 The author cities each of the following as possible influences in a Black workers' decision to migrate north in the Great Migration EXCEPT______.A.wage levels in northern citiesB.voting rights in northern statesC.the Black pressD.competition from the rural workers

多项选择题 毛泽东提出社会主义现代化的战略目标是四个现代化,包括( )。 A. 农业现代化 B. 工业现代化 C. 国防现代化 D. 科学技术现代化

未知题型 The author's attitude towards patients in stare institutions cart best be described as______.A.inflexible and insensitiveB.detached and neutralC.understanding and sympatheticD.knowledgeable but unsupportive

未知题型 What does the word 'effeminate'(Sentence 3, Paragraph 2) mean?D.UnmasculinE.