

解析:词组释义题。本题问:最后一段中'do the trick'意指什么?'come to the poin...

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未知题型 Picture-taking is a technique both for reflecting the objective world and for expressing the singular selF.Photographs depict objective realities that already exist, though only the camera can disclose them. And they depict an individual photographer's temperament, discovering itself through the camera's cropping of reality. That is, photography has two directly opposite ideals, in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of fearlessness, questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.These conflicting ideals arise from uneasiness on the part of both photographers and viewers of photographs toward the aggressive component in 'taking' a picturE.Accordingly, the ideal of a photographer as observer is attracting because it implicitly denies that picturetaking is an aggressive act. The issue, of course, is not so clear-cut. What photographers do cannot be characterized as simply predatory or as simply, and essentially, benevolent. As a consequence, one ideal of picture-taking or the other is always being rediscovered and championeD.An important result of the coexistence of these two ideals is a recurrent ambivalence toward photography's means. Whatever are the claims that photography might make to be a form. of personal expression just like painting, its originality is closely linked to the power of a machinE.The steady growth of these powers has made possible the extraordinary informativeness and imaginative formal beauty of many photographs, like Harold Edgerton's high-speed photographs of a bullet hitting its target or of the swirls and eddies of a tennis strokE.But as cameras become more sophisticated, more automated, some photographers are tempted to disarm themselves or to suggest that they are not really armed, preferring to submit themselves to the limit imposed by pre-modern camera technology because a cruder, less high-powered machine is thought to give more interesting or emotive results, to leave more room for creative accident. For example, it has been virtually a point of honor for many photographers, including Walker Evans and Cartier Bresson, to refuse to use modern equipment. These photographers have come to doubt the value of the camera as an instrument of 'fast seeing'. Cartier Bresson, in fact, claims that the modern camera may see too fast.This ambivalence toward photographic means determines trends in tastE.The cult of the future (of faster and faster seeing) alternates over time with the wish to return to a purer past when images had a handmade quality. This longing for some primitive state of the photographic enterprise is currently widespread and underlies the present-day enthusiasm for daguerreotypes and the work of forgotten nineteenth-century provincial photographers. Photographers and viewers of photographs, it seems, need periodically to resist their own knowingness.Notes:crop vt. 播种,修剪(树木)收割count for little 无关紧要predatory 掠夺成性的champion n. 冠军;vt.支持benevolent 好心肠的ambivalence 矛盾心理make (+不定式) 似乎要: He makes to begin.(他似乎要开始了)swirls and eddies 漩涡cult 狂热崇拜daguerreotypes (初期的)银板照相法The two directly opposite ideals of photography differ primarily in theA.emphasis that each places on the emotional impact of the finished product.B.degree of technical knowledge that each requires of the photographer.C.way in which each defines the role of the photographer.D.extent of the power that each requires of the photographer's equipment.

判断题 新型电子商务供应链必须“以顾客为中心”,采用“拉动式”的经营方式,以消费需求刺激,促进和拉动商品供给

未知题型 下列程序的输出结果是( )。 main { int x=8,y=8; printf('%d %d/n',x--,--y); }A.8 8B.7 7C.7 8D.8 7

单项选择题 我国以黄河为界,由于环境差异,北方传统院落对于阳光采取什么形式来应对?( )

未知题型 有下列程序: main () { int i; for (i=1;i<=40; i++) { if (i++%5==0) if(++i%8==0) printf('%d',i); } printf ('/n'); } 执行后的输出结果是( )。D.40

未知题型 有下列程序: main () { int i,j; for (i=1;i<4;i++) { for(j=i;j<4;j++) printf ('%d*%d=%d',i,j,i*j); printf '/n'); } } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.1*1=1 1*2=2 1*3=3 2*1=2 2*2=4 3*1=3B.1*1=1 1*2=2 1*3=3 2*2=4 2*3=6 3*3=9C.1*1=1 1*2=2 2*2=4 1*3=3 2*3=6 3*3=9D.1*1=1 2*1=2 2*2=4 3*1=3 3*2=6 3*3=9

判断题 背景是消息的辅助和村托部分,一般穿插安排在主体之中,不会出现在导语和结尾部分

未知题型 若已包括头文件<string.h>且已有定义char s1[18],s2={'ABCDE'}和int i,现要将字符串 'ABCDE'赋给s1,下列语句错误的是( )。A.strcpy(s1,s2)B.strcpy(s1, 'ABCDE');C.s1='ABCDE';D.for(i=0;i<6;i++) s1[i]=s2[i];

多项选择题 单相交流电压器带阻感负载时电流谐波的特点是() A. 电流谐波次数只含3、5、7…等次谐波 B. 随着次数的增加,谐波含量减少 C. 阻感负载时的谐波电流含量比电阻负载时少一些 D. α角相同时,随着阻抗角的增大,谐波含量有所减少

未知题型 若以'a+'方式打开一个已存在的文件,则下列叙述正确的是( )。D.以上三种说法都不正确