



未知题型 在窗体上画一个名称为Labell、标题为“ViSBalBasic考试”的标签,两个名称分别为 Command1和Command2、标题分别为“开始”和“停止”的命令按钮,然后画一个名称为Timer1的计时器控件,并把其Interval属性设置为500,如图所示。编写如下程序: Private Sub Form Load() Timerl.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command1 Click() Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2 Click() Timerl.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timerl Timer() If Labell.Left<Width Then Labell.Left = Labell.Left+20 Else Labell.Left = 0 End If End Sub 程序运行后单击“开始”按钮,标签在窗体中移动。 对于这个程序,以下叙述中错误的是A.标签的移动方向为自右向左B.单击“停止”按钮后再单击“开始”按钮,标签从停止的位置继续移动C.当标签全部移出窗体后,将从窗体的另一端出现,重新移动D.标签按指定的时间间隔移动

未知题型 超出人民多少钱的,海关仅对超出部分的个人自用进境物品征税?()

未知题型 下列不属于中产阶层的消费更注重的是()

单项选择题 个体域为整数集合时,下列公式不是命题。 A. B. C. D.

未知题型 天猫国际(综合)、洋码头(北美)跨境通(上海自贸区)、苏宁全球购属于什么运营模式?

单项选择题 我国现行个人所得税实行(     )所得税制度。 A、分类 B、综合 C、混合 D、单一

多项选择题 根据《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国合同法>若干问题的解释(一)》规定,债权人提起代位权诉讼应当符合的条件主要包括( )。

未知题型 下面不属于客服为买家提供高质量的商品的做法的是()

单项选择题 进口跨境电商的流程不包括调研市场,选择商品。

未知题型 Almost exactly a year ago, in a small village in Northern India, Andrea Milliner was bitten on the leg by a dog. 'It must have (1)_____ your nice white flesh', joked the doctor (2)_____ he dressed the wounD.Andrea and her husband Nigel were determined not to let it (3)_____ their holiday, and thought no more (4)_____ the dog, which had meanwhile quietly disappeared (5)_____ the villagE.'We didn't realize there was (6)_____ wrong with it,' says Nigel. 'It was such a small, (7)_____ dog that rabies didn't (8)_____ my mind'. But, six weeks later,23-year-old Andrea was deaD.The dog had been rabiD.No one had thought it necessary to (9)_____ her anti-rabies treatment. When, back home in England, she began to show the classic (10)_____—unable to drink, catching her breath—her own doctor put it (11)_____ to hysteriA.Even when she was (12)_____ into an ambulance, hallucinating, recoiling in (13)_____ at the sight of water, she was directed (14)_____ the nearest mental hospital.But if her symptoms (15)_____ little attention in life, in death (16)_____ achieved a publicity close to hysteriA.Cases like Andrea are (17)_____, but rabies is still one of the most feared diseases known to man. The disease is (18)_____ by a bite of a lick from an (19)_____ animal. It can, in very exceptional circumstances, be inhaled—two scientists died of it after (20)_____ bat dung in a cave in Texas.A.fanciedB.flashedC.floppedD.gasped