



未知题型 跨境电商进口的物流模式表现出怎样的特点?()

多项选择题 地震后的救援原则是 A. 先救远,后救近 B. 先易后难 C. 先救轻伤员和青壮年、医务人员,以增加帮手壮大救助队伍 D. 先救“生”,后救“人”

未知题型 不属于未来跨境物流发展趋势的是?()

未知题型 行邮税纳税规则为:税额少于()元时免征税,大于()元时根据品类对应的行邮税税率缴纳。

单项选择题 淡化事件严重性,及时安抚客户情绪是客服应该掌握的商务谈判方法

单项选择题 客服不需要了解各种付款、物流方式以及流程。

未知题型 听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams and term paper. I still have two more finals to takE.W: Really?M: Yeah, so what're you doing this summer, anything special?W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places with historical significancE.I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a whilE.M: Oh, so where are you going this summer?W: Well, this summer. It's finally going to be Gettysburg.M: Finally? You mean they never took you there yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous civil war site in the country. It's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times.W: We were gonna to be about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago. But I don't know. Something happened, I cannot remember what...M: Something changed your plans.W: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class. I was to make a thorough investigation on the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, so I'm eager to see the placE.(23)A.Their final exams and papers.B.Plans for the coming summer.C.A wonderful visit to Gettysburg.D.Their parents' traveling habits.

单项选择题 微信、微博等SNS平台让线上流量变得更为碎片化

单项选择题 当买家询问30分钟内回复买家询盘,订单成交率会提升很多

未知题型 听力原文: There are many famous museums throughout the world where people can enjoy art. Washington D.C.has the National Gallery of Art; Paris has the LouvrE.Florida International University in Miami also displays art for people to seE.And it does so without a building, or even a wall for its drawings and paintings.Florida International University has opened what it says the first computer art museum in the United States. You don't have to visit the university to see the art. You just need a computer linked to a telephonE.You call the telephone number of a university computer and connect your own computer to it. All of the art is stored in the school computer. It is computer art, created electronically by artists on their own computers. In only a few minutes, your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings.Robert Shostak is director of the new computer museum. He says he started the museum because computer artists had no place to show their work.A computer artist could only record his pictures electronically and send the records, or discs, to others to see on their computers. He could also put his pictures on paper. But to print good pictures on paper, the computer artist needed an expensive laser printer.Robert Shostak says the electronic museum is mostly for art or computer students at schools and universities. Most of the pictures in the museum are made by students. Mister Shostak says the Florida International University museum will make computer art more fun for computer artists because more people can see it. He says artists enjoy their work much more if they can have an audiencE.And the great number of home computers in America could mean a huge audience for the electronic museum.(33)A.In Paris.B.In London.C.In Miami.D.In Washington D.C.