单项选择题 关于国际新闻,以下说法错误的是: A、国际新闻体现着国家的“软实力” B、国际新闻体现着国家的话语权 C、国际新闻反映着国际关系中权力结构的变迁 D、国际传播是国际新闻的基础
判断题 长野县地狱谷野猿公苑根据猴子的习性,严禁游客喂食或者触摸猴子。
单项选择题 某施工单位承包一技术复杂的大桥工程,经预算分析可得其人工费为1200万元,材料费为5000万元,机械使用费为2880万元,其他工程费为1060万元,规费费率为30%,企业管理费综合费率为6%,纳税地点为市区,计算该工程的利润为多少万元? A. 10140 B. 360 C. 608.4 D. 752.4
问答题 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences. 1) Chopsticks only became two sticks of _____________________ in _______________________Dynasty. 2) The Grand Canal served as the main ____________________ between northern and southern China and was essential for the transport of _________________________ and other produce to Beijing. 3) “筷” is a ____________________ compound with a phonetic _____________________ meaning “________________________”and a semantic part meaning “ _________________________________”. 4) The English word "chopstick" may have derived from Chinese ______________________, a pidgin in which “ ______________________” meant “_________________________”. So “fast” became chop and “_________________________” became _________________________________ . 5) The birth of chopsticks ________________________________ those days when our Chinese ancestors had to use ___________________________ to eat, so they mark _______________________ in food culture.
不定项选择 不孕的医学定义为两年以上未采取任何避孕措施,性生活正常而没有成功妊娠