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单项选择题 注册香港公司是无限责任。

单项选择题 FedEx重量限制为:单票的总重量≤200千克,超过200千克需提前预约。

单项选择题 民事法律行为的概念【例题·单选题】根据民事法律制度的规定,下列关于民事法律行为概念的表述中,正确的是( )。 A. 民事法律行为包括事实行为 B. 民事法律行为以意思表示为要素 C. 民事法律行为包括侵权行为 D. 民事法律行为的目的是指行为人实施行为的动机

未知题型 Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the 'tigers' of the Far East. Last year, the value of their currencies dropped rapidly, after investors decided that their economic policies were not strong enough; now the region is suffering slower growth, lower living standards and rising unemployment.The situation in Asia shows how power has shifted from individual governments to the markets. In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies; in practice, they must conform. to a global economic model or risk being penalized by the markets.Adjusting to this new 'economic order' is proving difficult, in the developed world, and in particular the European Union, globalization is facing widespread public resistancE.Critics complain that, without the protection of trade barriers, jobs are being lost to workers in poorer countries, and wages for employees in rich countries are falling. Opponents in the European Union point to the effects that globalization has had in the U.S. and Britain. In those countries, wages are stagnant--except for a few privileged--and taxes and welfare benefits have been reduced to help companies compete with industries in the developing worlD.Those in favor of globalization accuse their critics of being shortsighted protectionists. They claim that a more integrated global economy will ultimately benefit everyone because it will enable countries to specialize in those areas where they perform. best. Developing countries, with their higher populations and lower wages, will concentrate on labor-intensive industries. The richer countries, on the other hand, will diversify into high-tech industries, where high productivity and specialist knowledge are paramount. The effect of this will be to improve productivity in all countries, leading to higher living standards. The free movement of capital will also help poorer countries develop so that they can play a full and active role in the world economy. But how close are we to a truly global economy? For those in favor of globalization, probably too closE.But in terms of real economic integration, there are still many problems to be solveD.A global economy would mean complete freedom of movement of goods and services, capital, and labor. Yet, even ignoring the tariffs and other restrictions still in place, cross-border trade remains tiny as compared with the volume of goods and services traded within countries; foreign investment is also extremely small, amounting to little more than five percent of the developed world's domestic investments.But what is really holding globalization back is the lack of labor mobility. Labor markets remain overwhelmingly national, even in areas like the European Union, where citizens can live and work in any EU country. The main reasons for this are language and cultural barriers; the lack of internationally recognized qualifications; and, in some cases, strict immigration controls.The main reason why some Asian countries are suffering from economic depression is that they ______.A.doubt that global financial markets will control national economiesB.fail to follow a global economic model adequatelyC.have set their own free economic policiesD.have their power interfere with the markets

单项选择题 UPS国际小型包裹服务一般不接收超重或超过尺寸标准的包裹,否则要对每个超重超长包裹收取相应的附加费(每个包裹最多收取一次超重超长费)。

单项选择题 通过DHL运送的货物,一般客户交货之后第二天开始就会有上网信息

单项选择题 FBA仓库为卖家的头程发货提供清关服务。

未知题型 According to Jane Bybee, 'sensitizers' were ______.A.extremely sensitive to other's feelingsB.evaluated positively by the teachersC.more successful than 'intermediates'D.not as emotionally healthy as 'repressors'

单项选择题 李某,冠心病史3年,今晨于公交车上突然出现四肢抽搐,两眼上翻,呼吸心跳减弱,司机与乘客立即送病人到急诊室,分诊护士处理正确的是 A、分诊护士立即协助医生进行CPR B、分诊护士立即进行CPR C、分诊护士立即协同其他护士一起进行CPR D、分诊护士立即呼叫医生进行抢 E、分诊护士立即开通绿色通道,医护人员进行抢救

未知题型 中国邮政小包具有以下优点。