单项选择题 Tim Harford regard slow-motion multitasking the key for many people to keep their creativity. ()
单项选择题 One of the reasons why multitasking is popular among creative people is that learning to do one thing well can often help you do something else. ()
未知题型 Which of the following is not the reason why slow-motion multitasking is popular among creative people? ()
未知题型 Which of the following is not an achievement of James Clerk Maxwell? ()
未知题型 葛兰西认为,取得()是夺取政治权力的先决条件。
未知题型 智慧树知到《中国文化精粹(河北政法职业学院)》章节测试答案-1
未知题型 智慧树知到《中国文化精粹(河北政法职业学院)》章节测试答案-2
未知题型 来到哪个历史文化名城参观考察时指出:中华优秀传统文化是中华民族的突出优势,中华民族伟大复兴需要以中华文化发展繁荣为条件,必须大力弘扬中华优秀传统文化。()
未知题型 苏武奉命以中郎将持节出使匈奴,留居匈奴十九年持节不屈,表现了()精神。
未知题型 自强不息精神是中华民族特有的精神气质,成为鞭策中华儿女不断开拓进取的永恒的精神力量,因此孟子说人人皆可以为()