



不定项选择 人工智能是智能计算机系统,即人类智慧在机器上的模拟,或者说是人们使机器具有类似人的智慧(对语言能理解、能学习、能推理)

未知题型 以下哪一个是属于eBay帐号的认证方式()。

未知题型 在窗体中使用一个文本框(名为n)接受输入的值,有一个命令按钮run,事件代码如下: Private Sub run_click( ) result ='' For i=1 TO Me! n For j=1 TO Me! n result = result+'*' Next j Result=result+Chr(13)+Chr(10) Next i MsgBox result End Sub 打开窗体后,如果通过文本框输入的值为4,单击命令按钮后输出的图形是( )。A.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *B.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *C.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *D.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

未知题型 以客户为中心、以需求为导向的服务营销观念与传统的营销观念相比,最大的区别在于营销的基本要素从原来的4P变为4C,所以企业的重点是()。

单项选择题 平衡变压器能将电力系统的三相电压变成相差(  ) 的两相电压。A. 1200B. 900C. 1800D. 600

未知题型 下列哪个不属于向客户提供数据与证据需要注意的?()

多项选择题 卫生法的基本特征是:A. 技术规范与法律规范紧密结合B. 调整手段的多样性C. 人类共同性D. 内容的广泛性

未知题型 ()是现代品牌理论的发源地,有着全球最多的世界知名品牌?

未知题型 听力原文: American scientists are developing maps that can identify areas of future flooding. The ups also may help scientists estimate the possibility of extremely dry weather and severe storms.Tom Jackson of the United States Department of Agriculture pre pared the map after the April flooD.He used information provided by satellites in Earth orbit.The maps are produced from dish receivers on the satellites. Each dish receiver measures the wetness of the soil by capturing file natural release of microwave radiation from the soil. The receivers turn rapidly. This provides complete coverage of each area the satellite passes over.Mr. Jackson and other scientists have tested Aqua's equipment in airplanes mid satellites flying over several states. The scientists used the tests to develop ways to change the information gathered into maps.Mr. Jackson now plans to compare the microwave dish receiver findings with information from tests on Earth's soil. He will use instruments at Agricultural Research Service centers in four states. He aim will study infatuation provided by forty ground observation centers across the country.(30)A.To estimate the extreme weather.B.To develop the satellite technology.C.To improve agricultural output.D.To learn how to change information to maps more efficiently.

未知题型 听力原文: Italy's capital Rome is a famous tourist attraction, hut there are swarms of birds that crowd in Rome's historic public squares and churches every winter, reining tourists and passers-by to seek refuge under umbrellas. Recently, scientists have found out a good way to mire this problem. The Italian League for the Protection of Birds will broadcast bird 'distress calls' over loudspeakers in the historic centers, using a technology it has tried in Rome's outskirts to scum the birds away. The scientists have recorded the sound that these birds make when there is danger and they will play it over megaphones at dusk when the birds are starting to nest down. They want to chase the birds out of concentrated urban centers with distress calls and spot lights. Then the birds will head to outlying parks mid suburbs. This method has been proved very efficient and there is no cruelty to birds involved since they just migrate to parks and woods outside the city. Between October and February some four million birds migrate to the Italian capital al from Germany, Poland and Russia, darkening the horizon and painting abstract shapes in file sky that capture the imagination of onlookers. The huge flocks also coat ears, buildings and any one who has not found cover with bird droppings. Tourists are advised to carry umbrellas or raincoats at dusk and residents have to put up with the terrible smell for months ate timE.(33)A.Begging food from the tourists.B.Attacking the tourists.C.Dropping wastes on the tourists.D.Making loud noise to disturb the tourists.